Page 198 - TEACHING MEDIA 101
P. 198


                                 ●  Click  the  Copy  Invitation  link  to  be  able  to  distribute
                                     meeting  invitations  to  all participants.  Meeting  invitations

                                     can be shared via text message.
                                 ●  Click  Start  to  start  the  meeting  (the  waiting  room  begins

                                 ●  Click Edit to change the meeting details
                                 ●  Click Delete to cancel the meeting
                                 ●  Click  Save  as  Template  to  save  the  meeting  schedule  for

                                     future use.
                                 ●  The template can be viewed in the Meetings Tab.

                                     The following is how to activate the Sharing Screen feature
                                  on the Zoom application.
                                 •  Start your Zoom meeting as a Host.

                                 •  Click the arrow to the right of the Share Screen, and then
                                     select Multiple, multiple participants that can be shared at

                                     the same time.
                                     Sharing screen has several other features similar to Sharing
                                 Screen, such as the Side-by-Side feature, Sharing Whiteboard,

                                 and creating a Virtual Background.
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