Page 27 - MEP Workbook
P. 27
Too Tweaks:
Vocal habits that can hinder connection
Listen for vocal habits. It may be more effective to make a different choice. When used appropriately, various vocal codes can help us connect with our audience and have greater impact.
Sometimes we use vocal codes (without even knowing it) because we are holding back. We don't want to come across as "too" much.
Understand the vocal code habits you are using and why. Common vocal habits in virtual communication are up-speak, monotone, and vocal fry.
Up Speak – ending phrases or sentences with an upward inflection. Intention: I don’t want to be too pushy or appear to be too bossy. Impact: Is often perceived as lack of confidence, insecure, unsure.
Vocal Fry – speaking at the lower end of your register with the least air/vocal energy
possible. Intention: I’m laid back, easy going, this is all good. Impact: Is often received as not invested, low energy, unprofessional. In addition, it is very difficult to hear on a digital signal.
Monotone – one note and/or one rhythm while speaking. Intention: I want to appear professional, in control, and non-
emotional. Impact: It can land as out of touch, emotionally absent, hard to follow the logic and is often boring.
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