Page 387 - Xara Designer Pro X17
P. 387
The Photo Tools 387
Just click on the SELECT COLORS TO ENHANCE button on the Enhance tool InfoBar to
switch into Enhance Photo Colors mode. Now you can click on the part of the photo you
want to adjust.
Cross positioned over the color to be selected.
The color at the click point determines the color that gets selected in the photo - you will
see a brief flash of a chequerboard pattern on your photo, indicating how much of your
photo has been selected.
Also a red color point appears at your click point.
Red color point at click point
You can click-drag on this to move it around, if you didn’t quite hit the color you wanted to
select. As you drag, the chequerboard pattern appears again and it updates dynamically
as you do so, so you can see what parts of the photo have been selected. Or to review
what you have selected, just click and hold over a point without dragging it to reveal the
chequerboard pattern again.
If you haven’t selected all the colors you wanted, you can simply click again to add
another selection point. So for example if you are trying to select all of the blue sky in
your photo, there may be various different shades of blue in the sky and so you may
need to click on several different parts of the sky to capture them all so that the