Page 389 - Xara Designer Pro X17
P. 389

The Photo Tools        389

              If you move the mouse pointer over a color selection point and right-click the mouse
              button, a context menu appears with the following options.

                DESELECT           Deselect the current color selection so you can start a new color selection.
                                   You can also deselect by pressing the Esc key.

               DELETE COLOR        Delete the color selection to which the point you clicked on belongs.
               SELECTION           Therefore all the points that are part of the same color selection will

               DELETE THIS COLOR   Delete only the point you clicked on. Any other points in the same color
               POINT               selection remain.

               MAKE TRANSPARENT    Makes the current color selection transparent. You can toggle on or off.

              Using masks or regions

              If you want to just enhance a particular area of your photo, first use one of the Photo
              Region tools to mark the region of the photo you want to modify. Or use a Mask tool to
              protect parts of the photo you don’t want modified.

              Then switch to the Enhance Tool and make your changes. The mask or region is used to
              limit the parts of the photo the enhance operation is applied to and afterwards you are left
              with a region inside the Photo Group. Whenever this region is selected inside the Photo
              Group, its outline is shown with "marching ants". To select such a region inside a Photo
              Group, Ctrl+click on it or select it from the Page and Layer gallery (on page 178) where it
              will appear as a Region within a Photo Group (on page 341). Looking at the Status line
              (on page 37) will also clearly show you when you have a region or mask selected inside
              a Photo Group.

              Note that you should almost always apply feathering to a region inside a Photo Group, to
              soften its edges and blend the enhance effect seamlessly into the photo. Hard-edged
              regions are rarely useful. See the Feather tool (on page 91) for details. You can apply
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