Page 392 - Xara Designer Pro X17
P. 392

392      The Photo Tools

                selection and the enhance controls on the InfoBar show the current settings for that color

                So in summary, clicking on a photo to add new points will add them to the current color
                selection (whose points are shown in red). To start a brand new color selection, first
                make sure you start with all existing points shown in black (not selected), by choosing
                DESELECT from the context menu. Then you can start adding the new color selection.

                Adjusting tolerance and fade

                Tolerance and Fade slider controls.

                You can adjust the extent to which colors are selected using the Tolerance and Fade
                controls. These are available from the button next to the Enhance Photo Colors button,
                but this only appears when you have ENHANCE PHOTO COLORS mode turned on. The
                Tolerance slider affects the range of a particular color selection - capturing a wider range
                of hues and tones of the selected color, whilst the  Fade slider controls the extent to
                which the selection bleeds into the adjacent areas.

                Tolerance: This value determines how colors are treated that are close to, but not the
                same as, the sample point color. If the tolerance is set to 0, only colors exactly matching
                the color at the sample point are selected. As the tolerance is increased, colors further
                and further away from the color of the sample point are also selected, just as if they
                matched the sample color exactly.
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