Page 125 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 125

Object Handling         125

              •  Move to the destination object (which can be in another document, "Ctrl + Tab" to
                quickly switch between open documents), click on the object to apply the style to
              •  Press "Ctrl + Shift + A" to apply the  attributes

              Note: Most attributes can be copied this way, including shadows, feather values, fill
              styles, etc. However bevels can only be copied from one object to another if the object
              the bevel is copied to has already a bevel to apply the bevel attributes to.


              ClipView lets you hide or ‘clip’ parts of a shape within another larger shape. The effect is
              similar to the Intersect shapes option, described in the chapter on Shape handling (on
              page 161). The difference is that the Intersect shapes option actually cuts the objects,
              whereas ClipView just hides the parts outside the ClipView object. What’s more you can
              then adjust the position of the objects inside the ClipView.

              To create a ClipView:
               1.   The ‘window’ object must be behind the other objects
                   in the ClipView. If necessary move it backwards. In this
                   example the dark ellipse is the window object.
                   Alternatively draw the ‘window’ shape on the mask
                   layer (on page 295).
               2.   Select all the objects you want to be inside the
                   ClipView (including your ‘window’ object unless it is on
                   the mask layer).
               3.   Choose "ARRANGE" > "APPLY CLIPVIEW" ("Q"). All of the
                   "window" object remains visible plus those parts of
                   other objects that overlap the "window" object.

              Setting the ClipView background color
              The fill color of the original object used as the ClipView is the background color. So either
              set this to the desired color before setting the ClipView or perform a "select inside" ("Ctrl
              + click") on the background, and then adjust the color.

              Select clipping shape
              This selects only the shape that you used to do the clipping. Effectively this is the
              ‘window’ through which you see the other object(s) in the clipview. Once it’s selected you
              can move it around or otherwise transform it, to adjust your clipview.

              Select clipped objects
              This selects all the objects in the clipview that are being clipped. Therefore once these
              are selected, you can drag them around inside the clipview to adjust their position
              relative to the clipping shape.
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