Page 129 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 129

Object Handling         129

              containing a repeating object in the PAGE & LAYER GALLERY, you can see that there's a
              repeating group containing each repeating object on that layer.

              Web Designer Premium places each repeating object inside a repeating group

              If you want to edit an item inside this repeating group, press "Ctrl + click" on the item to
              select it inside the repeating group. Alternatively if you go into a specific tool you can
              usually click directly on any object that is applicable to that tool and it will be selected
              inside its repeating group (or any other type of group). So for example you can select a
              rectangle that’s inside a repeating group by simply going into the Rectangle tool and then
              clicking on the shape.

              If the repeating group consists of a single object you can directly select that object
              instead of selecting the repeating group that encloses it.

              As with any other edits made to a repeating object, any edits you make inside a
              repeating group are applied to all instances of that repeating object on other pages.

              Locking a repeating object
              You can lock a repeating object right clicking it and choosing LOCK REPEATING OBJECT.
              Once locked, the object is not selectable. But editing any other copies of that repeating
              object on other pages, which aren’t locked, will change all copies, including the locked

              Stopping objects repeating
              Right click an object and choose "REPEATING OBJECT" > "STOP REPEATING" to turn off the
              repeating nature of an object, or all of its copies in your website. Choosing STOP
              REPEATING from the "ARRANGE" > "REPEATING OBJECT"  menu also allows this.

              You’ll be asked whether you want to just stop the selected object repeating or all copies
              of the object in the website. Choose the ALL option. Now the different copies of that
              object can be independently edited and the next time one is changed it won’t update any
              of them.
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