Page 134 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 134

134      Object Handling

                      Photo: set to STRETCH - MAINTAIN EDGE OFFSETS.
                      Center text panel: AUTOMATIC - text is set to center vertically and horizontally.
                      Background rectangle: set to AUTOMATIC.
                      Footer text panel: set to BOTTOM and % SCALE WIDTH.

                Previewing and testing Auto-fit pages
                A great way to test the adaptability of your page design is to preview and test using the
                PAGE SIZE dialog - right click on the page background - select PAGE OPTIONS...  and then
                the PAGE SIZE TAB.

                In the Page Options dialog - the Paper size field has a drop-down list of common page sizes.

                So you can select a preset paper size from the drop down, but a much easier way is to
                unlock the page, which allows you to drag the width and height to any desired value. To
                enable page size dragging, just un-check the LOCK PAGE SIZE option. Now if you move
                the mouse pointer near the right or bottom edge of the page, the pointer changes to
                indicate you can drag the edge to resize.
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