Page 131 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 131

Object Handling         131

              The feature is controlled by the AUTO-FIT TO PAGE dialog which you can access by right-
              clicking on any item on the page and selecting AUTO-FIT TO PAGE… You can also find it in
              "UTILITIES" > "AUTO-FIT TO PAGE...".

              The Auto-fit dialog controls how items move or stretch as the page size changes

              The AUTO-FIT ALL OBJECTS checkbox controls the automatic behavior of all items in the
              document. The dialog defaults to AUTOMATIC for all items in your document, but you can
              control the behavior of individual objects using the settings in the lower panel.

              The AUTO-FIT ALL OBJECTS checkbox turns the feature on. Bear in mind that even if this
              option is un-checked existing documents that had items marked as footers, or to stretch,
              will continue to behave as usual. This option just enables a more comprehensive,
              automatic positioning of items on the page.
              Width only or Width & Height

              There are two distinct use-cases where you might want automatic positioning of items on
              the page:

              1.   Websites, particularly ‘blog’ style websites where the pages are of variable length,
                  depending on how much text you have. Here you do not want the position of items
                  on the page (typically at the top of the page) to be moved as the page grows.  In
                  this case select the WIDTH ONLY option. This means things will be repositioned when
                  you change the page width, but not when the page height changes.
              2.   Print documents, Social Media documents or Presentations, where you want things
                  to re-position and stretch (automatically adapt) whenever the page width or height is
                  changed. In this case select the WIDTH & HEIGHT option. This is the default when you
                  enable AUTOMATIC FIT.
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