Page 130 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 130

130      Object Handling

                Use this if, for example, you’ve used REPEAT ON ALL PAGES to copy an object to all pages
                of your website, but then you want to make those objects different on each page so that
                they are no longer tied together.

                STOP REPEATING is also useful if you want to make a copy of a repeating object (eg. a
                footer or logo) on one page and you don’t want that copy to be updated. In this case
                choose the JUST THIS COPY option when prompted.

                Note that you can’t use STOP REPEATING on NavBars which have the SITE NAVIGATION
                BAR option turned on in the NAVBAR DIALOG. That’s because site navigation bars always
                update across the whole website. See the Navigation Bar chapter for more information
                on site navigation bars.

                Deleting repeating objects
                If you don't want a copy of the repeating object on a page, just delete it from that page.
                Xara Web Designer Premium displays a prompt asking whether to delete just that copy
                or all copies of that repeating object.
                Pressing "Ctrl + Delete" will delete just the selected repeating object without asking
                whether you want to delete all instances or just this one.

                Auto-fit to page...

                The AUTO-FIT feature enables you to create flexible documents that adapt to almost any
                size change you might want. This means you can design social media documents once,
                and then easily deploy to a variety of sizes and aspect ratios. You can convert
                documents from A5 to A4, or A3 or vice versa. And even change orientation, from portrait
                to landscape.

                Re-sized Facebook, Instagram and Twitter post templates.
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