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252      Text Handling

                immediately following a heading. With a list style however, it’s more likely that you want
                another list item to be added when you hit return at the end of a list item. So for list styles
                the NEXT PARAGRAPH setting is only used when you end a list. End a list by hitting return
                once to add an empty list item, then hit return again. The new non-list paragraph will then
                use whatever NEXT PARAGRAPH style you chose for the list style.
                For more detail on editing lists see Bulleted and numbered lists (on page 244)

                Updating Text Styles
                To update an existing Text Style:

                1.    Select some text already in the style you want to update.
                2.    Apply whatever changes you require, say an alternative font, or font size, or maybe
                    in the case of a list style a bullet or number style change.
                3.    Select "UPDATE 'STYLE NAME' TO MATCH" from the Style drop-down menu on the
                    Text InfoBar.

                For example to change all the NORMAL TEXT to be a different font, select a few words in
                the NORMAL TEXT Style, change the font (and any other attribute) and then Select UPDATE
                'NORMAL' TO MATCH from the Style Menu on the Text Tool InfoBar.

                When you are working on a web document with RWD variants, it is possible to update a
                Text Style for an individual variant. This is useful for example when you need the text in a
                mobile variant to be a larger and/or different font. To update the style for an individual
                variant, change the text as above and then select UPDATE 'STYLE NAME' IN THIS VARIANT
                from the Style drop down menu on the Text InfoBar. This is an additional option that is
                shown in the STYLES menu when you are working in a document that has multiple

                See Responsive Web Design (on page 325) for more information about variants.

                Redefining Text Styles
                Sometimes you may want to make an existing text style to look like some text that does
                not already have that text style applied. Perhaps some text that you imported from some
                other document. You can’t just apply the existing style to that text, because you would
                then lose its appearance. Instead use the UPDATE OTHER STYLE TO MATCH… option in the
                style menu.
                1.   Place the text cursor within the text (or select some of the text).
                2.   Select UPDATE OTHER STYLE TO MATCH... from the Style drop-down menu on the
                    Text InfoBar.
                3.   Choose the Style you wish to update from the UPDATE STYLE TO MATCH... dialog.
                4.   Tick the appropriate checkboxes to decide if you want the Text Style to match only
                    the new text, and/or all similar text in the document. Uncheck APPLY TO ALL SIMILAR
                    TEXT IN THIS DOCUMENT if you only want the Style to be applied to the paragraph
                    containing the text cursor.
                5.   Click APPLY. The text is now redefined as the selected Text Style.
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