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254      Text Handling

                If the heading style has an OUTLINE LEVEL it will appear in the LINK TO HEADING list in the
                Link Tab of the WEB PROPERTIES DIALOG.

                The lower section of the dialog shows the complete definition of this Style. In this case
                you can see it’s based on Heading 2, with only a color change.

                To create a Style that is based on no other Style, that is to say, it inherits no attributes
                from another style, select (NO STYLE) from the BASED ON: option, as below.

                This dialog shows the creation of a NewStyle2, that is a Paragraph Style and based on
                no other style. The lower section lists all the attributes that make up this Style. The
                attributes listed have been taken from selected text, so this Style consists of a complete
                definition, listing all possible text attributes.

                In this case when entering text in this Style, the NEXT PARAGRAPH (i.e. when Return is
                pressed) will be in the same style again.

                Removing Styles
                The STYLES list in the STYLES menu includes the entry NO STYLE. Selecting this removes
                the Style (Paragraph and/or Character Style) from the selection whilst retaining the same
                appearance. When you select the option a dialog appears informing you of this. Click on
                the dialog's CLEAR STYLES button to proceed with the operation. Now your selected text
                looks exactly the same as before, but has NO STYLE applied to it.

                Deleting Styles
                To delete a style select DELETE STYLE from the STYLES menu, the DELETE STYLE dialog
                opens. Now choose the text style you wish to delete from the dropdown menu in the
                dialog. The style will be deleted from the menu as will all references to the style, and the
                style will be returned to its base style. However, the returned style will still retain the
                deleted style's attributes and appearance. So for example a deleted style based on
                HEADING 1 WILL appear as HEADING 1+ to indicate this.
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