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P. 255

Text Handling        255

              If your style was based on nothing, ie NO STYLE then the style will revert to No style
              appearing as NO STYLE + in the menu and again retaining the same attributes and

              Note that you can't delete the default styles and you also can't delete styles which have
              other styles based on them. You will receive a warning prompt should you attempt to do

              Hidden Styles
              Text styles can be marked as HIDDEN in the STYLE PROPERTIES dialog, which means they
              won’t appear in the main styles list unless the text caret is located in text that uses that

              This is useful to help avoid the styles list becoming too long in documents that use a lot
              of different styles. Some SmartShapes such as the bar and column charts have their own
              text styles and these are now automatically made hidden styles, so they don’t appear in
              the main styles list. Similarly the TOC styles used for Tables of Contents are also hidden.
              Use the SHOW HIDDEN STYLES option in the styles menu to have all styles included in the
              styles list.
              Additionally hidden styles can’t become current, so any new text you add to a design
              should never use a hidden style by default.
              Style Properties

              If you want to change the definition of a style, such as the style it’s based on, or just look
              at its definition, use the PROPERTIES… option in the style menu. You need to select some
              text that has the style applied before you do this, to indicate the style you want to edit.

              The STYLE PROPERTIES dialog appears, which looks the same as the CREATE STYLE
              dialog shown above.
              The style description at the bottom of the dialog describes how the style differs from the
              style on which it is based. So if you want to see all of the style’s attributes, just
              temporarily select NO STYLE from the BASED ON list, to see a full description. Don’t forget
              to reset this to the correct BASED ON style, or click cancel in this dialog, if you don’t want
              to change the style!

              Applying text attributes

              Changing the font size

                           There are several ways to change the font size:

              •  Type a new value into the size text box on the InfoBar and press .
              •  Or select from the FONT SIZE drop-down list on the InfoBar.
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