Page 348 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 348

348      Website Publishing

                9.   Click OK. Web Designer Premium displays a dialog confirming the publish details
                    that it is about to use for publishing. Click Publish.

                Publish details dialog
                Transferring data

                1.   After you have clicked Publish, Web Designer Premium displays a small window
                    that shows the progress of data transmission and tells you when the publish is
                    complete. If you entered your website's URL with the FTP details then you can go
                    straight to it from this location.
                2.   Alternatively, as soon as the transfer is finished, you can open a browser window
                    and navigate to the URL of your published website.

                Note: If you entered a sub-folder in the Publish tab of the Web Properties dialog, your
                website is saved there.
                Important: If you have not set any specific page names in the Page & Layer Gallery, then
                the name you exported to last will be used as the basis for all the pages in your website.
                E.g., if you open a template website, and export this as 'test' to your file system, and now
                publish this, it will be published as test.htm to your web server, and all additional pages
                will be test_2.htm, test_3.htm etc.

                index.htm is the usual name for the first page of a website.

                Note: Many web servers use case-sensitive filenames. So, for example, the web
                address is not the same thing as To
                reduce confusion and the likelihood of errors Web Designer Premium enforces that all
                page names are all lower-case and contain only allowable characters. This means that
                spaces are not allowed in page names. We suggest using an underscore as an
                alternative separator.

                Secure FTP Protocols
                Apart from standard FTP (file transfer protocol) Web Designer Premium also supports
                the more secure FTPS and SFTP protocols. Some web hosting require you to upload
                your site using one of these instead of insecure FTP.
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