Page 349 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 349

Website Publishing         349

              Click on the dropdown menu following CONNECT USING: on the OTHER WEB HOST
              SETTINGS dialog and you will see the following options...

              Choose from one of the three options -  there is the normal FTP option and then the
              secure FTPS and SFTP options. You will need to know which of the FTP protocols your
              hosting company supports first - and then fill in your FTP details as described above.

              Now normally what happens is that FTPS is assigned to Port 21 and SFTP is assigned to
              Port 22 as part of the host's IP network address. This is not something you would usually
              have to be concerned about as Web Designer Premium automatically manages this for
              you, but sometimes in the interests of further security, a host's system administrator will
              assign a different port number, and if this is the case you will have to manually enter the
              new port number as part of the FTP host address.

              In this example the port number has been changed to 22098 and has thus been added to the
              host's address as :22098
              For further information read our Knowledgebase article
              on publishing using secure FTP protocols.

              Explore web space

              When you have completed the FTP host address, FTP username and FTP password
              boxes, click the optional Explore web space button to browse, view and delete files you
              have uploaded to your ftp server.
              You can view files and open folders to view subfolder contents and also set up a
              subfolder path. You can also delete individual or multiple files. Select multiple files by
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