Page 476 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 476

476      Importing and Exporting

                .RTF Rich Text Format
                .WIX, .WEB, .XAR Xara documents
                Importing files

                To import a file:
                •  Select "FILE" > "IMPORT" -  This normally merges the file's contents into the existing
                  document. With some formats you get the choice of importing the document into the
                  current page or adding it as a new page. With some other formats you are given the
                  option of either importing the file data conventionally, or adding a link to the file and
                  including it in your published website.
                •  Or select "FILE" > "OPEN" - This opens the file as a new document.

                Xara Web Designer Premium supports drag and drop import of files. If you drag a file
                from your File Explorer onto an open Xara Web Designer Premium document it will
                import the file and place it on the current page, centered on the drop point. Or drag &
                drop a suitable file from Windows Explorer onto any bar or the title bar of Web Designer
                Premium's window - it will open the file as a new document.
                Replacing Image Files
                You can replace any loaded image or image-filled shape with your own images. To
                replace an image simply drag your own file (JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP) from your Windows
                File Explorer and drop it on top of the picture that you want to replace. Your photo will
                automatically be scaled appropriately to replace the existing photo. The new photo will be
                selected and you’ll be put into the FILL TOOL (on page 265) so that you can easily adjust
                the position and scale of your photo if desired.

                See the "Replacing photos” section of the Photo Handling chapter for more details.

                Importing a Photoshop PSD file

                To import a PSD file, import the file as normal with File > Import, or just drag and drop
                the .psd file into Xara Web Designer Premium.

                The layers in the PSD file, and the layer visibility setting will be preserved and will
                become Xara Web Designer Premium layers. You can view them by opening the PAGE &
                LAYER GALLERY (on page 444).

                Tip: if you have separate objects in Photoshop that you wish to be able to move and
                change independently of one another in Xara Web Designer Premium, place them on
                separate layers in Photoshop before exporting.

                PDF Import
                PDF is a complex vector graphics format that has evolved over 10 years or more and
                contains numerous sub-formats and options. PDF was designed as a portable document
                format for viewing and printing only, and was not intended as a file format for transferring
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