Page 55 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 55

Getting Started        55

              More than this, Web Designer Premium supports graduated transparency. It works very
              like the graduated color fill. In the TRANSPARENCY TOOL just drag across your shape and
              you can see the transparency fades. You can adjust the degree of transparency of each
              end of the fill arrow, by clicking on either end of the arrow, and adjusting the
              Transparency slider.
              Preview this and you'll find this works in your browser as well.

              This is a graphical term for blending the edges of objects. Web Designer Premium
              provides a feather control that enables any object, graphics, text or photo to be feathered
              - giving it a blurred edge that blends with the background. The Feather control is not a
              tool on the left, but one of the controls on the top bar. Try it on your rectangle shape.
              Select the shape and then click this Feather control on the right of the top bar.

              The shadow below the ball drawing above has a feathered edge. Combining all of these
              controls you can very quickly produce amazing layered graphics for your design, all
              directly in Web Designer Premium without needing any other graphics tools.

                                            This is an example of a rounded rectangle with
                                            grad color, grad transparency and feathered
                                            edges with some text placed on top of it.

                                            This has a graduated color fill, light to dark green
                                            going left to right. It also has a vertical graduated
                                            transparency fading from top to bottom. The
                                            feather gives it a soft edge. It takes a couple of
                                            seconds to create such an image, and it's
                                            automatically converted to the right graphic when
                                            you save your design.

              Shadow Tool
              A very popular graphics effect is to create a soft drop- shadow under a graphic or some
              text. This serves to lift the object away from the background.

                     The SHADOW TOOL lets you add a soft shadow to any object, text, graphics or
                      photo. Select the SHADOW TOOL and just drag on the object. You can adjust the
                     shadow blur and transparency using InfoBar controls.
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