Page 57 - Xara Web Designer Premium
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Getting Started        57

              Layers, Mouseover (Rollover) & Pop-ups

              As mentioned earlier all objects have a stacking order on the page - from the backmost
              to the frontmost item.

              These objects are stacked over each other.
              In addition, all items can be placed into named layers. Each layer can have any number
              of objects, and has the ability to be turned on or off. When the layer is turned off all
              objects on that layer become invisible.

                    The layers are controlled from the PAGE & LAYER GALLERY in the Galleries bar.

              In Web Designer Premium layers are used to provide mouseover (sometimes called
              rollover) features on your website. These include highlighting buttons (they highlight
              when you move the mouse over them) and also other pop-up effects such as text panels
              containing a detailed product description.

              Mouseover Effects
              There are several types of mouseover effect you can control. Firstly the one used by
              mouseover buttons, where any object with a web address can display an overlapping
              graphic object that appears on a layer called MOUSEOVER. See below for more detail.

              There also is a more powerful mouseover ability where you can make the contents of any
              layer appear as your mouseover, or click any object on your page. This pop-up layer can
              contain text, graphics, photos or any combination of these things. More below. You can
              also add a wide range of animations effects see Mouse over properties for more details.
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