Page 59 - Xara Web Designer Premium
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              Layer ordering in website documents
              If your website document has mouseover effects, popup layers and perhaps even
              mouseover effects on those popup layers, there are some important rules you need to
              follow in terms of how you order the layers in your document. If you don't follow these
              ordering rules, you may find that some of the effects don't work.

              Considering the layers in turn from background to foreground (which is working upwards
              in the PAGE & LAYER GALLERY), first you must have all the static layers. These are layers
              which are always visible and are not used as popups. In most designs there will only be
              one – the "MouseOff" layer. But some designs may have several, in which case they
              must be the first layers in the layer stack.

              Next comes the MouseOver layer, if there are mouseover effects on the static layer(s).
              This contains the mouseover states for all your mouseover buttons. This must be
              followed by the "MouseDown" layer, if you have mousedown effects on the static
              Next you may have a popup layer. If the objects on this popup layer have mouseover
              effects, then the next layer following the popup layer must be the layer holding those
              effects. It must have a name that begins with "MouseOver", E.g. "MouseOverPopup1".
              And then if the popup layer also has mousedown effects, a layer whose name begins
              with "MouseDown" must follow containing those effects.

              Then you can have another popup layer, followed again by any mouseover and
              mousedown layers for that popup layer. And so on - you can have as many popup layers
              as you like.

              So to summarise the above, in general the layer ordering needs to be as indicated by the
              following list, which is shown in the same order as displayed by the PAGE & LAYER
              GALLERY (foreground to background). All layers are optional and the layer names can be
              anything you like, except for the characters shown in Bold, which identify the special
              mouseover and mousedown layers.
              MouseDown popup n
              MouseOver popup n
              PopUp layer n
              MouseDown popup 1
              MouseOver popup 1
              Popup layer 1
              Static layer n
              Static layer 2

              Note that you only need to be concerned with these ordering rules if you are building
              complex pages with multiple popup effects! If you are just using the template designs
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