Page 62 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 62

62      Getting Started

                1.   Click NEW LAYER in the PAGE & LAYER GALLERY, while you have a layer selected, to
                    create a new layer.
                2.   Draw a rounded rectangle with the RECTANGLE TOOL, click a (pale) color patch on
                    the COLOR LINE to give it a fill color. For good measure give it a soft shadow (select
                    the SHADOW TOOL and just drag on the rectangle).
                3.   Create a block of text on top of your rectangle. Select the TEXT TOOL and drag
                    diagonally across the rectangle. Type your text. You probably want to hide the pop-
                    up layer now, so just un-check the 'eye' checkbox of your new layer.
                4.   Back on the base (MouseOff) layer (click it in the PAGE & LAYER GALLERY to set this
                    as current layer) now select the text you want to trigger the pop-up, using the usual
                    method (in the Text tool). Then open the Web Animation dialog (right click and
                    choose WEB ANIMATION...) and on the MOUSE-OVER tab select the new layer from the
                    SHOW POP-UP LAYER drop-down menu. Click OK.
                5.   Preview and test your mouseover effect.

                If you want the pop-up to only appear when you click, then select the SHOW POP-UP
                LAYER option on the LINK tab of the Web Properties dialog (on page 300) instead.

                Note: The mouseover layer appears and disappears as you move the mouse pointer on
                and off the triggering object. If you use a click method to display the layer, then the layer
                is revealed by a click on the object, and is hidden when you click anywhere else on the

                Pop-up Photos
                There is a second, easier, way of showing enlarged photos from thumbnails, that does
                not involve creating new layers. See the Photo section (on page 38) earlier in this
                chapter. This method is better for when you have large pop-up photos as the pop-up
                photos are not loaded until the thumbnail image is clicked.

                Publishing Your Website

                To get your website onto the internet instantly, you can either publish it to Xara Hosting,
                which includes a free hosting service, or to any other web space. Publishing to Xara
                Hosting is simplest because it’s integrated into Web Designer Premium.

                Choose "FILE">"PUBLISH" website. Then either sign into Xara Hosting, or press the

                Xara Hosting

                Press the REGISTER button if you don’t have a Xara Hosting account already –
                registration is free, quick and easy. Sign in with your email and password – click KEEP ME
                SIGNED IN to avoid having to sign in again in future Web Designer Premium sessions.

                When the Xara Hosting publish dialog appears, just click the PUBLISH button to put your
                website at the root of your web space, or enter a sub-folder name first if you want to
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