Page 65 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 65

Document handling            65

              Online editing in the Cloud

              Web Designer Premium  can now sync files via Dropbox and Google Drive. These
              services provide free file storage in the Cloud, and a small desktop utility that can be
              installed on your PC that will automatically sync files saved on your hard disk to the

              Web Designer Premium will notice if files have changed, and will automatically reload
              updated files. It means that you can have the same file open on multiple computers, and
              if you make an edit, and save the file, then it will be updated in Web Designer Premium
              on the other computers. Further, using cloud based file sharing, you can share the file
              with someone else, and whenever they edit the file and save, your version will be
              updated, and vice versa.
              This does not solve the problem of edit clashes. So if you edit the file and at the same
              time someone else edits the same file, then Web Designer Premium will tell you there
              has been an edit and give you the choice of opening the updated file in a new document.

              For more details see the quick start guide for Xara Online Designer here

               Xara Online Designer, Online editing, Online, Document sync, Dropbox sync, cloud.xara

              The Xara Web Designer Premium window
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