Page 68 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 68

68      Document handling

                                     You can hide the rulers, change their zero point (origin), and
                                     use them to create guidelines. For more information, see
                                      Rulers (on page 80).

                The status line

                      Selected objects
                      Available options
                      Mouse pointer X-Y
                This appears at the bottom of the window. The status line tells you about the selected
                objects, available options, live drag/snapping indicators, and the X/Y position of the

                The indicators
                These appear on the right of the status line:

                       Live drag indicator
                       This indicator shows whether live drag is active or not (it is active by default).
                       Double click the indicator to toggle live drag on/off. When active, if you
                       reposition, resize, or rotate an object, the whole object moves (not just an
                       outline), making it far easier to judge the effect of your edits in real time. Drawing
                       (on page 156) is also live with this option on. If your computer is unable to cope
                       with a particularly complex document, it will automatically turn active drag off to
                       ensure editing remains fast and efficient.

                       Snapped indicator
                       This indicator is active when SNAP TO OBJECTS is enabled. Click the SNAP TO
                       OBJECTS button (shown left) to toggle off and on. Snap to objects allows you to
                        see potential snapping paths and points relative to other objects and the page
                       center and edges by showing blue snapping lines for snapping paths and red
                       dots for points as you drag an object. For more information on snapping, refer to
                       "Object Handling (on page 92)".

                X/Y co-ordinates
                Web Designer Premium shows measurements relative to the bottom left corner of the
                page area or spread. However, this is configurable. For more information refer to OBJECT
                HANDLING (on page 92).
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