Page 72 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 72

72      Document handling

                Displaying the scroll bars is optional. Choose "WINDOW" > "BARS" > "SCROLLBARS" to turn
                them off.

                You can change the mouse wheel action between scrolling and zooming in "UTILITIES" >
                "OPTIONS" > "MOUSE" or right click and choose "PAGE OPTIONS" > "MOUSE". The opposite
                action is available then by pressing "Ctrl".

                Changing the page size

                When you open a new Web Designer Premium document, the page size is 760 x 700
                pixels (SVA web page). However, you can change the page size if required, e.g. to
                support other screen resolutions such as VGA.

                1.   Choose Menu "UTILITIES" > "OPTIONS" or right click a page and choose "PAGE
                2.   If necessary, click the PAGE SIZE tab.
                3.   Choose the required page size.

                If you select CUSTOM in the size selector, you can set a custom width and height in the
                fields below it.

                Every page in the document (exported website) can have a different size. With the option
                ALL PAGES IN WEBSITE THE SAME SIZE you will set the page size to the same value for all
                pages in the document.
                                   You can resize the height and width of the page by dragging the
                                   lower and right border of the page with the selector tool.  If you
                                   use this method you will be prompted to choose whether the
                                   change should apply to all the pages in the document or website,
                                   or just the current one.

                Multiple pages in the document

                A Xara Web Designer Premium document can have multiple pages. Each page is
                exported to a separate HTML page and so each document in Xara Web Designer
                Premium corresponds to a website.

                By default when you open or create a new web document, Web Designer Premium
                shows only one page. Print documents however are displayed in multiple page view by
                default. Right click a page or its pasteboard and select/deselect MULTIPLE PAGE VIEW to
                toggle between display modes.
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