Page 69 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 69

Document handling            69

              Normal/full screen modes
              In normal screen mode part of the window is occupied by the title bar, menu bar, and
              scroll bars. This can be inconvenient if you want the maximum possible editing area.
              Web Designer Premium has a second screen mode, fullscreen, which displays a more
              streamlined screen. You can configure each screen mode as you wish. For example,
              each can have its own configuration of the control bars. The configuration is remembered
              and applies whenever you swap between screen modes.

              Normal/full screen is controlled by "WINDOW" > "FULL SCREEN" or right click and choose
              FULL SCREEN ("8" on the numeric keypad toggles between the two displays).

              To display the menu bar in full screen mode, move the pointer to the top of the screen.

              Opening a second window

              You may want to open a second window onto the same document to:
              •  Get an enlarged or reduced view of the document;
              •  Show another part of the document;
              •  Have two views of the same area at different quality settings (quality settings are
                described later.)

              Choose "WINDOW" > "NEW VIEW" to open another window. You can have several windows
              open on the same document. Additionally, Ctrl+Tab will allow you to flick between

              Selecting which window to display
              Each window that you have currently open is displayed as a tab below the InfoBar. Click
              on a tab to display the window or click on the WINDOW menu and choose a window name
              at the bottom.
              Ordering multiple windows

              "WINDOW" > "ARRANGE VIEWS" helps you organize multiple windows. Each window has its
              own title bar but no control bars. Click on a window to make it the current window.
              Pressing "Ctrl + F6" steps through the windows in sequence.
              ARRANGE VIEWS displays the windows arranged vertically or, for more than three
              windows, as tiles.
              Minimizing multiple windows

              Minimizing one of several windows displays an icon on the background of the main Web
              Designer Premium window. Double click the icon to reopen the window.
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