Page 2 - July Housing Market SE Michigan
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JULY 2023
                                                   SEMI HOUSING REPORT

                     Supply Down, Demand Strong, Prices at Historic Highs

               The Southeast Michigan real estate market continues to see historic trends as we move through the summer of 2023.
               While inventory has dropped significantly, down 32% compared to June of 2022, strong demand remains unabated.
               Despite depleted inventory quantity and quality, prices are at historic highs, just above former records from last year.
               Despite the shortage of new listings, down by 33%, buyers are tenaciously active, with June and July showings down by
               just 2% from last year—a testament to strong and stable demand.

               The supply shortage is, however, creating friction in transaction activity. June new pendings and closed sales were down
               12% and 17% compared to last year. That drop in sales activity is primarily due to the lack of quality inventory. The best
               listings continue to sell immediately leaving shelves half-full with tired seconds.

                                                                            June ‘23 v ‘22
                                    SEMI Inventory       '23 vs:
                                      $250k to $750k     '22: -32%
                  6,000  3,885                           '21: -28%          •    Inventory -32%
                  5,000                                                     •    Showings -2%
                                                                            •    Listings -33%
                                                                            •    Pendings -12%
                  1,000                                                     •    Closed Sales -17%
                    -                                                       •   Avg $/SF +2%
                    Jun-21  Aug-21  Oct-21  Dec-21  Feb-22  Apr-22  Jun-22  Aug-22  Oct-22  Dec-22  Feb-23  Apr-23  Jun-23

                                                                                   In a nutshell, while the Southeast
                                     $250k - $750k Weekly Showings
                                     ShowingTime MI Marketwide thru July 24th  Past 4 wks vs:  Michigan real estate market
                20000                                                2022: -2%     grapples with supply shortages,
                                                                     2021: -12%
                18000                                                2020: -11%
                                                                     2019: +20%    buyer interest remains strong,
                14000                                                              keeping prices at historic highs—
                12000                                                              slightly above last year. The
                8000                                                               dynamic tension between supply
                6000                                                               and demand continues to shape
                4000                                                               the market, making it a seller’s
                  0                                                                market. For buyers, it’s a matter
                   2-Jan  2-Feb  2-Mar  2-Apr  2-May  2-Jun  2-Jul  2-Aug  2-Sep  2-Oct  2-Nov  2-Dec
                                 2019   2020   2021   2022   2023                  of patience and persistence in
                                                                                   this challenging environment.

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