Page 50 - The Red Well-Read Reader
P. 50
The Red Well-Read Reader
Story 55
Wait on and Weight Off
There is: There is:
The wait on the tables The eating plate
The wait in the lines, and The license plate
The weight off the dieters The name plate
The head plate
There is: The hair plait
The sea strait, and
The dire straits There is:
There is: The fishing bait
The straight line The nagging bait
The straight flush The hounding bait,
The straight ahead The teasing bait
The straight answer
The straight character & And there is:
The character trait The girl ate, and
The boy eight
Story 56
Derrick got badly scathed
Cut by the blade of a lathe.
So in i•o•dine his finger had to be bathed,
Then of course in a bandage swathed,
Then later unswathed,
But unhealed, re-swathed,
Then, finally, fully healed, once more unswathed.