Page 49 - The Red Well-Read Reader
P. 49
The Red Well-Read Reader
Story 53
Faced with Fattening Paste
In haste
The chef mixed a doughy paste,
Which on a roast he’d baste.
But all was a waste,
For its rich taste
Was too much for every dieter's not-so-slim waist.
Story 54
A Spate of Prate
V Can•di•date Kate stood on a crate and began her spate
praising her running mate.
D "We fully back the Dem•o•crat•ic slate. And let me
0 0 0 ~
l'J nn \ state that we truly love your e•lec•tor•al state. Taxes
we shall abate, and at a fast rate. In fact,
we shall in•i•ti•ate a tax rebate.
However, we promise never to cut the welfare state. Then every man, woman, and
child shall elate. Let this be your fate ! Move us through the White House
gate !
"Now - if I weren’t running late for another date, a dinner of $100 a plate, most
gladly I'd stay and debate.”