Page 36 - TRWRR 8-6-2016_Neat
P. 36
The Red Well-Read Reader
Story 24
A Chasm
When a person has 'em -
That is, one after another muscle spasm
And if his masseuse doesn't shows no en•thu•si•asm
To help him pass'em,
Then the patient might blurt out cutting sarcasm.
And between the two may come an unfriendly, unbridgeable chasm.
Story 25
Death by an Asp
When Sarah was about to file a gate hasp
She reached down to clasp . . .
Hold of a metal rasp
But there in the grass was a poisonous asp
It bit her and made her lose her grasp
Within minutes she had breathed her final gasp!
Story 26
At the start of the race the sailboat broke fast on the ocean so
vast. Passing a reef she gave her horn a blast; however, a
fisherman's cast caught hold of her mast and held fast. All the
other boats hurried past, thus this sailboat came in last.