Page 92 - TRWRR 11-11-20_Neat
P. 92
The Red Well-Read Reader
Story 137
The Deadliest Scourge
Dressed in dark serge, family and friends converged at church to pray that the
soul of the dearly departed be purged. They immerged into silent prayer. And
when they emerged, they were urged to gen•er•ous•ly splurge to fight cancer, the
deadliest scourge.
And then as the choir chanted a doleful dirge, a surge of sorrow swept the
mourners to crying’s verge.
Story 138
Failure Lurks
Hahmon is a Turk who came to the States and found work as a stock clerk. But
over time he began to shirk his work – which made his boss irk.
So Hahmon took another job as a soda jerk. But again his interest didn’t perk, and
he greeted his customers with a sassy smirk. His new boss said, “Hahmon, you
have a most dis•a•gree•a•ble quirk. You make the clearest day seem as gloomy as
murk. Therefore you’d best look for other work.”
Hahmon replied, “I care not, Mr. Burke. Being a jerk is certainly no job for this
in•tel•li•gent Turk !”