Page 95 - TRWRR 11-11-20_Neat
P. 95
The Red Well-Read Reader
Story 143
The Busy Nurse
There once was a busy nurse. With every pa•tient she would pa•tient•ly
converse. Her remarks were always terse, though pleasing and often in
verse. There was nothing to which she was averse . . . to help make a
patient’s condition reverse.
But, now and again, a patient would turn for the worse. Then first
she’d call the patient’s family citing the curse, and next the morgue
requesting its hearse.
Story 144
Boys ! Stay Alert !
Little boys should stay alert: on guard against little girls who like to flirt,
es•pe•cial•ly those that are saucy or pert.
At first they may say you’re sweeter than dessert, or that they like your
spiffy shirt. But when they get angry you’ll be hurt. In a spurt of
temper, they’ll blurt out something curt. They might even say you’re a
little squirt, and reason it’s your just desert. Then, come the following
week, they’re likely to do it again, this time to a Kurt, a Harry, or a Burt.