Page 52 - VI DERM BOOK COM (002)_FINAL
P. 52
treatment protocol
STEP 3: APPLY VI PEEL BODY PEEL SOLUTION 3rd-4th Pass: Apply with more pressure for deeper
Use caution when opening. Remove the top. Point the vial penetration. Continue re-saturating the gauze and
away from you and your patient. With your thumb over continue layering the VI Peel Body until you have used
the top, remove metal seal and gently remove the stopper. all the solution. Alternate your starting location and
Pour the entire solution into the provided applicator cup. application pattern to assure even distribution of the
Remove the 2x2 gauze from packaging and have it ready peel solution. Apply heavier pressure to the areas of
for application. You may have a fan available for your concern (breakouts, pigment, thickened skin, etc.).
patient for comfort. After application is complete, your patient’s skin
should have mild to moderate erythema. If there
1st pass: Apply solution using light pressure. is any solution on the surface of the skin, you may
Fold the 2x2 gauze in half. Dip a portion of the gauze perform a modified massage technique to facilitate
in the solution and squeeze out excess solution. Gauze the penetration. Using your middle and ring finger
should be saturated but not dripping. Start by applying of each hand against your patient’s skin, apply even
vertically, working downward systematically until the entire pressure with small circular motions, pressing the
area is covered. Slight overlap is acceptable but should not solution further into the skin.
exceed 10-15%. Do not re-saturate the gauze in the middle
of your layer. The skin should appear wet but again the With body peels, instruct your patient to avoid
solution should not be dripping or running down the body. tight-fitting clothing and opt for cotton-based,
loose-fitting clothing.
Once the first pass has been applied, allow 3-5 minutes
between passes and assess patient’s skin response, pain STEP 4: EXPLAIN VI PEEL BODY
level and rate of product penetration before proceeding. AFTERCARE KIT TO PATIENT
Reassess skin after each pass. VI Peel Body is self-neutralizing. Avoid washing or
applying any topical products to the treated area for
For Fitzpatrick V & VI allow the full 5 minutes between 4 hours. Sunscreen may be applied after the 4-hour
layers to assess skin response. post-treatment step (see below) and should be used
if any treated areas are exposed to sunlight for the
For intimate areas, be sure to prevent solution from next 14 days.
coming in contact with the mucosa.
Day 1: Four Hours Post-Treatment:
2nd Pass: Apply solution using medium pressure. Using fingertips only, cleanse the skin using a gentle
Re-saturate the gauze and squeeze out excess solution. cleanser with no fragrance or active ingredients
Apply solution with slightly firmer pressure. Alternate (VI Derm Gentle Purifying Cleanser, Dove, Cetaphil,
starting point of application; applying horizontally until etc.). Rinse with cool water and pat dry. (AVOID HOT
the entire area is covered. Heavier pressure can be WATER ON TREATED AREA FOR 7-10 DAYS). Apply
concentrated on areas of concern (breakouts, pigment, a thin layer of Retinoic Serum to all areas where the
thickened skin, etc.). Avoid using the gauze to rub peel was applied. Remember to wash hands after
vigorously. Pressure may change, but do not scrub the application. Wait 10 minutes, then apply
skin. If frosting is observed, discontinue application in Post-Treatment Repair Cream to all areas where the
those areas. peel was applied.
Continue to allow 3-5 minutes between passes. NO OTHER personal hydrating products should be
The skin on the body has a slower response rate than applied.
that of the face.
IMPORTANT - Fitzpatrick Skin Types 4, 5 and 6
must apply the Post-Treatment Repair Cream
approximately 10 minutes after the Retinoic Serum
has been fully absorbed to reduce the body’s natural
inflammatory response.