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                                    4continuedWednesday morning%u2019s keynote presenter Matt Lehrman, Managing Director, Social Prosperity Partners presented %u201cFrom Conflict to Conversation.%u201d Matt shared with participants how successful local leaders must continually innovate their tactics to address complex and sensitive issues in ways that leave community members feeling connected, respected, and heard. He also facilitated a follow-up breakout session discussion that invited attendees to share challenges and seek practical advice from each other. As well, Matt discussed how to best engage more people and gather agreement around whatever you hope to accomplish in your community.Wednesday afternoon%u2019s premiere Exposition Showcase featured 115 vendor organizations with a diverse range of programs, products, and services to assist Kansas Counties in their daily roles in serving the citizens of Kansas. The exposition provided a one-stop shop for Kansas County staff and vendor representatives to visit in-person and learn firsthand about the products and services that are offered. Exposition attendees enjoyed a delicious dinner, interactive fun photo booth and great conversations as they networked with one another during the social hour and dinner in the Century II Convention Center. 
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