Page 22 - MELD Stimulant service
P. 22


            11.6  GRAPH 4: LAST TREATMENT –
                     MOOD, SLEEP, MOTIVATION, ENERGY
                     LEVELS & CONCENTRATION

            At the last complementary therapy session, participants were asked to record
            levels of mood, motivation, sleep, concentration and energy levels on a scale
            of 1-5. This scale was simplified to reflect a low level (1 – poor) and a high level
            (5 – good). All participants reported positive increases in all areas.

                  Last Treatment – Mood, Sleep, Motivation,
                  Energy Levels & Concentration

            11.7  GRAPH 5: OVERALL TREATMENT

            At the last session, participants were asked to report if they had experienced any
            benefits from receiving complementary therapies. This scale was simplified to
            reflect a low level (1 – not very effective) and a high level (5 – very effective). All
            participants reported that they had found their individual treatments very effective
            whilst also learning new positive coping strategies

                  Overall Treatment Benefits
   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27