Page 26 - MELD Stimulant service
P. 26
Client A first used cocaine when she was in her 30’s. This was reported as
occasional recreational use and reported as problematic from the age of 42.
She presented to service when she was 45 feeling overwhelmed by family life,
personal health issues and caring responsibilities for her children and also her
elderly parents, whilst managing a stressful job within her local community. She
presented to service drinking 3-4 bottles of wine per week at an approximate
cost of £100 per month and 1 gram of cocaine per week at an approximate cost
of £400 per month. Client A was known to Social Work due to her children’s
needs but no child protection issues were identified due to other protecting
factors and her husband’s support. Her engagement with the MELD Core
Service was sporadic due to work commitments and she was identified as
appropriate for the stimulant service. When making initial contact with Client A,
her main concern was attending a service in a building that was known as a drug
and alcohol service and also the possibility of being identified by anyone who
might recognise her from her employment role within the local community.
“I think more than anything it’s because I’m a mum.
You know what I mean? And like, there’s always that
fear when you admit that you need help that people,
the services will see it as a weakness”
Client A was reassured that appointments would be offered in the evening. In
addition, we were able to offer her a choice of appointment times that would
best suit her work and childcare responsibilities. Client A reported that she used
alcohol and cocaine to cope with the external and internal pressures of her
life and felt that without cocaine she would not be able to undertake all of her
responsibilities, particularly in the home environment. She presented with high
anxiety, stress, low mood and poor sleep. Whilst Client A is married to a non-
drug user, she highlighted that her husband was also struggling to cope.
“I am exhausted from caring for my children and
elderly parents whilst trying to manage an extremely
demanding full time job.”