Page 28 - MELD Stimulant service
P. 28
The Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale
(WEMWBS) – Before and After Scores
Statement None Rarely Some Often All of
of the of the the
time time time
1 2 3 4 5
I’ve been feeling optimistic about the future 1 3
I’ve been feeling useful 2 4
I’ve been feeling relaxed 1 3
I’ve been feeling interested in other people 3 4
I’ve had energy to spare 1
I’ve been dealing with problems well 1 3
I’ve been thinking clearly 2 3
I’ve been feeling good about myself 2 4
I’ve been feeling close to other people 2 3
I’ve been feeling confident 2 4
I’ve been able to make up my mind about things 3 4
I’ve been feeling loved 4 5
I’ve been interested in new things 2 4
I’ve been feeling cheerful 1 3
First treatment
Last treatment
Client B presented to service requesting support to initially reduce and
eventually cease cocaine. She reported using illicit drugs from age 12 which
become problematic at age 21. Current presentation to service is age 23. Has
been using approximately 1.5 – 2 grams of cocaine per week. This started off at
a cost of £80 per week but is not currently spending any money due to receiving
it for free at the moment. Client B feels that it is difficult to refuse this substance,
since there is no cost attached and frequent availability. She also highlighted
that lockdown had been particularly difficult and feeling isolated and lonely
had led to increased drug use.
“The first time it was amazing, like you were just so
happy, and it was at a low point in my life so being
happy just made a massive difference. So I thought,
you know, this could help me to stay happy all the
time. But that’s, that’s far from the case because
after the first time you’ll never get that same sort
of happiness again, or high. You’ll just always chase
it and chase it.”