Page 194 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 194

No Pollution

                 are equal; every prophet is a source of guidance. One who wants
                 to understand the prophetic mission must study all the prophets
                 and not just any one of them at random.

                    ‘Quran’ is an Arabic word. Its literal meaning is ‘to be read’.
                 This  means  that  the Quran  is a book  of  study. Indeed,  the
                 Quran suggests  that  every man and  woman should read  and
                 study and explore the truth. Since study, to be successful, must
                 be imbued with the spirit of inquiry, the message of the Quran
                 is: Be a seeker, study, and contemplate. Analyze knowledge in an
                 unbiased manner. And then you will reach the truth. According
                 to the Quran, this is the sirat-e-mustaqeem (straight path) (1:6).
                 One should follow this straight path and then one will certainly
                 reach the final destination, that is, success in both the periods of
                 life—in the pre-death period and in the post-death period.

                                   No Pollution

                     ollution of any kind is against the scheme of God the Creator.
                 PIt is man’s duty, therefore, to maintain the purity of nature.
                 Failure to do so is, in religious terms, a sin and, in legal terms,
                 a crime. Man is permitted to exploit natural resources for their
                 benefits, but he must do so without destroying the natural order
                 of things.

                    One verse worth quoting from the Quran on this subject is
                 from the chapter Al-A‘raf (The Heights); another relevant verse is
                 from the chapter Al-‘Ankabut (The Spider):
                      Do not corrupt the land after it has been set in order.
                      This is for your own good, if you are true believers
                      Corruption has appeared on land and sea because of

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