Page 199 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 199

Quranic Wisdom

                     he above reference from the last Quranic chapter tells us that
                 Tin the present world man has to face great challenge from
                 Satan and bad people in terms of waswasa.

                    Waswasa means  misleading  whisper. This  is the greatest
                 problem. Every human being lives with those evil persons who
                 by the way of whisper always try to mislead and deviate him from
                 the right path. Every human being, both men and women, face
                 this challenge constantly. Man should realize this challenge and
                 must meet this challenge with intellectual awakening and with
                    Every human being lives between two contradictory forces.
                 On the one hand, man is helped by God and His angels; this
                 force is a blessing for man and it works as a positive force. It
                 gives light and strength at every moment. Although there is no
                 compulsion but it works as a great supporter for man.

                 The Quran deals with almost all the issues related to
                  mankind. Its language is very simple. Its clarity is
                                        par excellence.

                    On the other hand, there are devils and also bad people who
                 are not friendly toward man, they always try to divert his thinking
                 from positivity to negativity, they always try to deviate man from
                 the straight path of truth.
                    Both the forces work through inspiration. God and His angels
                 inculcate positive inspiration at every occasion. They always give
                 you the right guidance through right thinking. But the evil forces
                 inculcate  negative  inspiration  in your  personality. They try to
                 corrupt your intellectual process. They try to mislead by giving
                 wrong advices at every juncture of your life.

                    The success of human beings in this world completely depends
                 on this realization. One who succeeds to realize the fact that he is

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