Page 200 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 200

High Thinking

                 constantly under double forces, will prove to be successful, and
                 one who fails to realize this fact he is doomed to failure.
                    The single point formula of success for every man and woman
                 therefore can be described  in  one  line: Be  cautious. Try to
                 establish contact with God and angels, and try to detach yourself
                 from the evil forces of both man and Satan. Attachment and
                 detachment are psychological processes and can be established
                 only in the world of consciousness.

                                  High Thinking

                      he  chapter  Al-Ahzab (The Confederates) of the Quran
                  Trefers to what is called zikr Allah in the Quran. The translation
                 of the relevant verse of the said chapter is as under:
                      Believers, remember God with much remembrance.
                    God Almighty is the Creator of the Universe. God is the highest
                 reality. God is beyond time and space. God is omnipresent. God
                 is greater than all great things. God is supreme in every sense of
                 the word.
                    Remembering God, in other words, means remembering the
                 Higher Reality. This kind of remembrance inculcates in one’s
                 mind, high thinking and high thinking is the source of all kinds
                 of high ideals. It is high thinking that makes one’s personality
                 a great personality. High thinking leads to spiritual uplift and
                 intellectual development.
                    There are two worlds—material world and immaterial world.
                 High  thinking means thinking  about the  immaterial world.
                 High thinking means living in the immaterial world. It is this

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