Page 202 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 202

Asking the Blessing of God

                 of air. So is the case of a high thinker. Nothing has the power to
                 stop the journey of a high thinker.
                    A high thinker is free of all kinds of negative thought. He is
                 free of anger and lust; he is free of intolerance and confrontation,
                 he is free of hate, he is free of frustration and despair, he is free of
                 tension and stress, he is free of complaint and protest.

                    A high thinker is free of all kinds of negativity and he is full
                 of all kinds of positive thoughts. High thinking makes a man
                 superman. High  thinking  develops the very important ability
                 to act and not to react. Such a person is able to ignore all the
                 problems and avail all the opportunities.

                     Asking the Blessing of God

                    veryone asks blessings from God, but he or she feels that it is
                 Ea unilateral blessing; I have nothing to give God in return for
                 His blessing. In such a situation, a person faces the questions:
                 how to ask  blessings from God,  how to  invoke  God  for His
                 blessing towards him.

                    When one reads the Quran with this mind, one finds a very
                 relevant reference in the Quran. In one part of the Quran there
                 are the details of the law of inheritance, how to apportion the
                 bequest among relatives after the death of a family member. In
                 this regard in chapter Al-Nisa’ (Women) Quran says:
                      If other relatives, orphans or needy people are present
                      at the time of the division, then provide for them out
                      of it, and speak kindly to them. (4:8)
                    Here God Almighty laid a principle for man to give to not
                 only to the deserving ones but also to those persons who do not
                 deserve. So, one can make this a point of reference for prayer.

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