Page 196 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 196

The Gist of the Quran

                 makes things impure. Man must know his limitations. Any move
                 to pollute nature is like a suicidal act.
                    The most crucial aspect of  this  issue is that, in terms of
                 creation, man is completely helpless; he cannot of his own create
                 a single particle. He cannot even create a single leaf of a tree, nor
                 can he create a single drop of water. This being the situation,
                 man must become fully aware of his shortcomings and try to live
                 in this world as a responsible member of society.

                           The Gist of the Quran

                       he first verse of the Quran tells us what the gist of the
                  TQuran is. All other parts of the Quran are only details of this
                 first verse either directly or indirectly. It is the first verse of the
                 chapter Al-Fatiha. The translation of this verse is like this:
                      All praise is due to God, the Lord of the Universe
                    Here the Quranic word used for praise is hamd. Hamd is a very
                 comprehensive word in the Arabic language. It includes praise,
                 gratefulness, and acknowledgment with a sense of awe. According
                 to the Quran, hamd is a universal culture. All the creatures of the
                 universe, living and non-living both present hamd toward their
                 Creator. Hamd is their daily worship. Thus the whole universe
                 acknowledges the glory of God Almighty.
                    Man  and  other  creatures acknowledge  the glory of God,
                 but there is a difference, the hamd of the other creatures is a
                 programmed hamd: it is inculcated in them by the angels of God.
                 This fact is given the Quran:
                      Do you not see that all those who are in the heavens
                      and on earth praise God, as do the birds with wings

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