Page 238 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 238

Spirituality versus Politics

                 It needs only one thing—and that is willpower. This goal must
                 be attained regardless of whether conditions are favourable or

                    But the case of political power is quite different. As compared
                 to spirituality, politics is a bilateral or a multilateral issue. There
                 are always two parties and a number of political rivals. So, if you
                 want to make political gains, you have to overwhelm the other
                 party  or rivals.  This  means that  confrontation is  inherently a
                 part of politics: without confrontation there is no politics. But
                 confrontation breeds hatred and sometimes leads to violence.
                 Indeed,  having a political  target is  quite against the  Quranic

                    According to the Quranic scheme, one’s principal endeavour
                 should be to lead  a spiritual  life and  then try to spread  the
                 spiritual message to others. One may engage in spiritual activities,
                 provided they are strictly non-political.
                    According to Quranic teaching, the real part of a believer’s life
                 is spirituality, while politics is quite subsidiary. This means that
                 spirituality is required in every situation, at every stage in life, but
                 politics is required only when the situation calls for it. If there is
                 a society that is ready for its affairs to be administered according
                 to Islamic teachings, then believers can go into politics.
                    In other  words, spirituality  is  a matter for the  individual’s
                 choice, while politics comes into the picture only when society
                 is prepared for this, i.e. when society itself wants to be governed
                 according to Islamic teachings.
                    As far as social or national affairs are concerned, their
                 management or governance must be determined by democratic
                 means, through free and fair elections. Spirituality and politics
                 must both refrain from encroaching upon others’ fields.
                    The goal of spirituality is to gain a seat in the eternal Paradise,
                 in the world hereafter, while politics is basically a worldly affair.
                 It is for society to adopt a political system by its own decision.

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