Page 242 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 242

Difference: A Part of Creation

                 have to express your differences peacefully, and at the same time
                 be open-minded enough to allow others to freely express their
                 views. Like other phenomena, difference has two aspects—it has
                 its plus points and its minus points. If difference is confined
                 within peaceful limits, it is good, but if difference goes beyond
                 the limit and becomes a source of conflict and violence, it turns
                 into an evil. Difference with peace is a blessing, but difference
                 with violence is a problem.
                    Difference,  important in every field,  both  secular and
                 religious, is a form of dissent rather than a matter of controversy.
                 It provides us with a kind of ladder by which to attain the higher
                 reaches of  our  lives. Without difference,  no  development is
                 possible in any branch of intellectual learning.
                    It opens up factual areas that  were formerly hidden  and
                 opens  doors that  were hitherto closed.  Difference  gives us
                 an opportunity  for collective thinking.  It  is  a part  of human
                 beings—a sign of intellectual life; only statues cannot differ from
                 each other.

                  Difference, important in every field, both secular and
                  religious, is a form of dissent rather than a matter
                  of controversy. It provides us with a kind of ladder
                   by which to attain the higher reaches of our lives.

                    When difference is a part of creation, we have no other option
                 but to accept it as it is. Trying to eliminate differences is certainly
                 doomed to failure. One who is not ready to live with differences
                 must create another world according to his personal desires. But
                 who can create a new world?

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