Page 240 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 240

Accept, Introspect, Make Amends

                    The fact is that every bad deed you commit can pollute your
                 soul. Cleanse it then by your tears, or by some other kind of
                 penitent behaviour. You must never fail to purify your mind and
                 your heart when you find that they have been polluted by bad
                    Doing good  deeds  after bad deeds,  is  a method of
                 reconditioning one’s mind. This practice is not exactly easy. But
                 it is an important psychological process. By engaging in it, one
                 reprocesses one’s thinking. In physical terms, what would be a
                 process of washing out is, in psychological terms, a correction of
                 one’s way of thinking.

                  There are different kinds of bad deeds but, no matter
                   what kind of bad deed you have committed, after
                  each one you should feel repentant and try to erase
                  the effects of your bad deed by doing a good deed.

                    This  process has a very important positive effect. It helps
                 in the development of one’s mind. Thus your mistake can be
                 turned into an act of intellectual development. Any mistake that
                 leads to intellectual development can form the basis of a good
                 and healthy practice.
                    If your mistake gives you a positive lesson,  then it is  an
                 experience rather than a mistake. If your bad deed motivates you
                 to do a good deed, then in terms of its result, it is a good rather
                 than a bad occurrence.
                    Such a practice keeps your mind alive, in that it activates your
                 thinking capacity. This practice awakens your mental faculties,
                 making you like a traveler who has had some advantageous break
                 in his journey, before finally reaching his destination.
                    If you commit an evil deed, do not fall into despair, but re-
                 plan your life along better lines and surely you will be a success.

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