Page 254 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 254

Leniency at all Times

                 Moses but to humankind in general. It is relevant everywhere—in
                 the family, in society, in national life as well as in international
                 life. It is applicable to both religious and secular matters. There
                 is no alternative: everyone must follow this pattern
                    Moses  followed  the above divine guidance,  but according
                 to both the Quran and the Bible, Pharaoh did not choose to
                 accept his advice. This does not mean that one should doubt the
                 veracity of this guidance. This Quranic guidance is absolute, with
                 no exception whatsoever. Both men and women must follow this
                 guidance as such, without any regard for the result. Sometimes
                 the result may not be positive: nevertheless, this principle must
                 be adhered to in all situations.

                    If  the desired  result is to be  attained,  it must be done  by
                 leniency or should not be done at all. Here you have only one
                 choice: to adhere to this principle. If there is no instant result,
                 then we have to wait and hope that the future will bring the
                 desired result.
                    Leniency is not an act of cowardice or an act of retreat. In
                 fact, it  is a sign principled  behaviour and  a mark of  sublime
                 character. In the long run it can vanquish all. Only leniency can
                 give you the required result, for the opposite behaviour will prove
                 to be counter-productive. This teaching is eternal in nature. It
                 is as relevant to the present times and it was to the times of the
                 Prophet Moses. No negative consequences can cast any doubt on
                 its veracity. It is an everlasting truth.

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