Page 256 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 256

The Importance of an Intellectual Audience

                 the whole of the Arabian Peninsula. This strategy worked. First,
                 the best minds of Makkah embraced Islam, then after a period of
                 some years, the whole of Arabia entered the fold of Islam. This
                 fact is indirectly referred to in the Quran, in the chapter Al-Nasr
                 (Help): “When God’s help and victory come, and you see people
                 entering God’s religion in multitudes.” (110:1-3)
                    The  second  aspect  of this  approach  is  that  it  is  extremely
                 useful for a dai, that is, a preacher. When you do dawah work
                 with an intellectual or an educated person, your knowledge will
                 be enhanced. From ordinary people  you  will  receive little  in
                 the way of intellectual stimulation, but intellectuals will always
                 present you with different kinds of challenges. They raise the
                 kind of questions, which start off a re-thinking process.

                  According to the Quranic account, all of the prophets
                  invariably addressed the intelligentsia of their time.
                       Their first target was the people of intellect.

                    Wherever there  is a  challenge,  there  is development. This
                 formula applies likewise to  dawah work. When a  dai faces  an
                 intellectual  challenge,  he is bound  to inquire,  to re-think, to
                 study more and more, to prepare his mind afresh. This starts a
                 process of intellectual development—as a matter of compulsion
                 rather than by choice.
                    The most important human achievement is  intellectual
                 development. Without this, a man is reduced to the level of an
                 animal. The obvious importance of intellectual development is
                 in itself enough to prove that the best way to proceed with dawah
                 work is to start with the intelligentsia. The saying that things are
                 known by their result applies equally to the method of dawah.

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