Page 260 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 260

The Beginning and the End

                 It is this ideological discovery that enables you to live with the
                 elevated spirit of hamd, that is, praise and glory for God Almighty.
                    But it is not easy to achieve this high spirituality. The most
                 important thing is that you should save yourself from the evil
                 forces that are at all times actively trying to deceive you. These
                 evil forces are of two kinds: one, visible, and the other, invisible.
                 Visible  deceivers are those who are evil  people. They include
                 both men and women. By their misleading advice, they try to
                 cause one’s mind to deviate from the right path.

                    The greatest quest of both men and women is to
                     discover their Creator, God Almighty. It is this
                 discovery that makes one accept and acknowledge God
                            as God Almighty, as one’s Lord.

                    The Jinn and Satan are invisible creatures. They have no power
                 over people, but they can mislead them. The deceptive technique
                 of the jinn is that he whispers into the hearts of people, causing
                 them to stray from the right path. He beautifies evil doings and
                 thus makes people see wrong in the form of right and right in
                 the form of wrong.

                    The greatest quest of both men and women is to discover their
                 Creator, God Almighty. It is this discovery that makes one accept
                 and acknowledge God as God Almighty, as one’s Lord. One who
                 discovers this supreme reality becomes a divine person, but this
                 achievement is also fraught with the risk of becoming the victim
                 of evil forces. So one has to be alert, and very cautious in the full
                 sense of the word. Then one can successfully cultivate the virtue
                 of gratefulness.

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