Page 264 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 264

The Art of Desire Management

                    According to the Quran, God Almighty created man as an
                 eternal being. But just as only the tip of an iceberg shows above
                 the surface of the ocean, so only a very small portion of human
                 life pertains to the pre-death period. And the larger portion of
                 this life pertains to the post-death period. The pre-death period is
                 a short period, whereas the post-death period is eternal.
                    What is the situation in the post-death period of life? Giving
                 an introduction to Paradise, the Quran says:
                      Therein you shall have all that your souls desire, and
                      therein you shall have all that you ask for. (41:31)
                    Man  has unlimited  desires,  but the present  world  being a
                 limited world, it is not possible to fulfil them all. These unlimited
                 desires need an unlimited world in which to be fulfilled. It is
                 such a world that is called the hereafter.

                  Contentment is the only viable formula in that it can
                  give everyone peace and tranquility. If you live with
                  simplicity and lead a necessity-based life, then that
                             will give you instant happiness.

                    If the present  world is  an imperfect world, Paradise  is  a
                 perfect world. Paradise is a world where there are no limitations,
                 no disadvantages, no fear or pain, no death, no accidents, no
                 restrictions. It is there that all those things that a person desires
                 will be given to him.
                    The present world is a testing ground. One who passes the
                 divine test in the present world will be awarded Paradise in the
                 next world. Keeping your mind focused on this reality is the best
                 way to manage your desires, thus saving yourself from tension
                 and despair.

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