Page 262 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 262

The Principle of Bossism

                 organized life would have been possible in this world. Equals can
                 only live in anarchy and not in an organization or with unity.
                    An organization requires a head, and equals cannot accept
                 anyone as a head when everyone sees that everyone else is an equal.
                 This does not mean that the Quran believes in discrimination.
                 Discrimination is a great evil in the eyes of God.

                   No two men or women are equal by birth. In fact,
                    every man and woman is like a special creation.
                    Everyone has a unique capacity that others don’t

                    Man has  accepted this  law  of nature in  all of his  social
                 activities. According to the Quran, gender equality in the moral
                 sense is right but not in the organizational sense. Everyone has
                 the same status. Everyone is equally worthy of respect. But when
                 it  comes to organization,  this  principle  cannot be applicable.
                 Organization always requires an individual to serve as its head.
                 Being the head does not mean that he is superior to others. He
                 is an organizational head and not a moral head.
                    Then, what about  the home? The home means  a group
                 consisting of husband and wife, their children and grandchildren.
                 The home is thus a unit of society. So the home also needs to be
                 organized under a head. In the general sense, a man is suitable to
                 be appointed as head of this segment of society, but this is not an
                 absolute principle. It is possible to arrange things in a different
                 way, that is, a man can accept a woman as his boss. So, either a
                 man or a woman may serve as a boss according to the situation,
                 and depending upon acceptance by the other gender.

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