Page 258 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 258

Spiritual Journey

                 rate of say one per cent, but when he travels, he can add many
                 new dimensions to his personality, developing it at the rate of
                 possibly one hundred per cent.

                    For example, when you buy a return ticket from an airline,
                 you check it to make sure that it is actually a return ticket, and
                 that you can travel with the assurance that you will return to your
                 home. Then you remember death. Death is also a journey. But
                 on this journey, you have no return ticket. You will travel to an
                 unknown region that is beyond this world, with no guarantee of
                 returning to this world again. This is an example of tawassum. An
                 air ticket is a worldly item, but as a matter of tawassum, through
                 this ticket, you can be reminded of the world hereafter.

                   A believer’s journeying is a kind of ibadat on the
                 move, in the course of which his contemplation becomes
                 more profound, and he is able to expand his spiritual

                    Then, if you visit a modern city, you will find that everywhere
                 there are activities of various kinds. Then you think of Paradise
                 and are reminded that Paradise is also a world of activity. In the
                 present world activities are material, but in Paradise they will be
                 of a higher spiritual and divine nature. That is the more refined
                 and perfect state of affairs.
                    Everything  depends  on  the human mind. If  you  are  a
                 materialist, your journeys will be materialistic, but if you are a
                 believer in God, then automatically your journeys will be divine,
                 and full of spiritual experiences. Prepare your mind in terms of
                 spirituality, then your travels will be elevated to a higher plane.
                 That is, they will take place in the world of spirituality.

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