Page 270 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 270

Illogical Attitude

                    The behaviour mentioned in the above Quranic verses is a
                 form of character assassination. Character assassination is a sign
                 of complete defeat. One who feels that he has been defeated in
                 the field of argument and reasoning adopts this retaliatory form
                 of  response. Character assassination is  a kind  of  revenge  and
                 revenge is not the proper way to meet a challenge. Moreover,
                 making allegations  is a very risky game,  for it can  act like  a
                    Alleging something is no better than telling a lie, and there
                 is no greater sin in Islam than lying. One who stoops to baseless
                 allegation is little better than a liar. And anyone who is a liar
                 is worthless in the eyes of God. All of his efforts will go into
                 the litterbin and that is surely not going to produce any positive

                   Reasoned statement is the mark of the pious man.
                  As opposed to this, irrational argument or using the
                 language of allegation is the sign of an irresponsible
                     person or one who has become morally deviant.

                    The above Quranic verses refer to the contemporary people
                 who freely made allegations against others, who might very well
                 have been innocent of any wrongdoing. Like other teachings of
                 the Quran, this is also an eternal principle applicable in every
                 age to every person, including those who claim to be Muslim,
                 although they do not follow the above Quranic advice.

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